Gaining on You:
"On rare occasions, I hear music for the first time and have a driving compelling force to start writing
about what it made me feel. Tony Scheuren's music did that to me." Keith 'Muzikman' Hannaleck - January 2003 (read full review)
"The amazing thing about 'Gaining on You' is that Mr. Scheuren doesn't just recapitulate, but resurrects
the style of 70's country-pop and pop-rock - he ups the ante at every turn." Phil Rogers (read the full review)
"Gaining On You proves once again that obscurity doesn't necessarily obscure true talent, and that the
fears of the artist towards his or her muse might be the only thing holding them back from deserved greatness." Joseph Kyle (read the full review)
Chamaeleon Church:
"This music is archetypal period rock music. In fact, it is all very Beatlesque.
There are harpsichords, flutes, and a decidedly psychedelic flavor and atmosphere."
Keith 'MuzikMan' Hannaleck - September 2002 (read full review)